
Why do states give up their nuclear weapons programmes?

Dr Bogdan Stojanović, an IIPE Research Associate, gave a lecture titled “Why states give up their nuclear weapons programmes?”, as a part of the...

Effects of global economic trends on Serbia’s foreign trade

Dr Nataša Stanojević, an IIPE research associate, delivered a lecture “The Effects of Global Economic Trends on Serbia's Foreign Trade”, as a part of...

Dilemmas of harmonisation of Serbian foreign policy with the CFSP

Dr. Nevena Stanković, Research Associate at the Institute of International Politics and Economics, gave a lecture on open issues of harmonisation of Serbia`s foreign...

Doctoral seminar for IIPE`s junior researchers

Dr. Marko Novaković, IIPE Research Fellow, organised the first session of the Doctoral seminar for IIPE`s research assistants, research associates, and interns. The Doctoral...

Securitisation of energy policy of the European Union and Russian gas

Nevena Šekarić, MA, Research Assistant at the Institute of International Politics and Economics, delivered a lecture on securitisation of energy policy of the European...

The pragmatic misuse of democratic peace thesis in foreign policy

Nenad Stekić, MA, Research Assistant at the Institute of International Politics and Economics, delievered a lecture on pragmatic misuse of democratic peace thesis in...

Introduction of presidential system and Turkey`s foreign policy

Vuk Lazić, MA, Research Assistant of the Institute of International Politics and Economics, delivered lecture “The plausible effects of the introduction of presidential system...

IIPE’s seminar for IR students from Norway

Institute of International Politics and Economics organised a seminar for undergraduate students of International Relations from the Department of Culture, Religion and Social Studies...

The rise of right-wing politics in the New World and Europe

Dr. Ivan Dujić, Research Fellow of the Institute of International Politics and Economics, delivered lecture “The rise of right-wing politics in the New World...

Cooperation between IIPE and Faculty of Political Science: A doctoral seminar on theories of...

Institute for International Politics and Economics and the Department of International Studies at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Begrade, organised a doctoral...