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IIPE awarded the NAPA accreditation

Serbian National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) awarded the accreditation to the Institute of International Politics and Economics to implement training programmes for civil...

IIPE marked International Women’s Day

Institute of International Politics and Economics marked International Women’s Day, as commemoration of the day when women are recognised for their achievements. This year,...

IIPE hired two junior researchers

Institute of International Politics and Economics (IIPE) hired two junior researchers selected from the ranking list resulted from a recent public call of the...

Institute’s Saint Patron’s Day

Institute of International Politics and Economics celebrated its saint patron’s day – St. Simeon. This year, saint patron’s day was hosted by IIPE’s Head...

The Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia

Institute for International Politics and Economy congratulates all associates and friends of Institute February 15th, the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia. The first...

Chinese New Year

Dear friends from the People’s Republic of China, The previous year brought many obstacles and troubles to the humanity. The COVID-19 pandemic, which hopefully will...

New Year’s presents for the children of IIPE’s employees

In accordance with its long-standing tradition, Institute of International Politics and Economics provided the New Year's presents to the children of employees this year...

IIPE marks 73rd anniversary

The Institute of International Politics and Economics marked 73 years of its existence by holding an online event for employees due to the current...

IIPE marks the anniversary with an online exhibition

The publishing department of the Institute for International Politics and Economics, in its more than seven decades-long traditions, has published a large number of...

Promotion of the conference proceedings Infections diseases as a global security challenge – COVID-19...

As a part of a series of events that are to be launched to mark the anniversary of the founding of the Institute of...