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Doctoral seminar

Director of the Institute, Prof. Dr. Branislav Đorđević, and deputy director, Dr. Ivona Lađevac, held the doctoral seminar with research assistants and research associates. In...

The Institute’s Patron Saint’s Day Celebration – Saint Simeon the Myrrh-streaming

The Institute of International Politics and Economics celebrated its patron saint’s day, Saint Simeon the Myrrh-streaming. The ritual of blessing the feast gifts was...

The eighth IIPE Winter School of International Relations

The opening ceremony of the eighth IIPE Winter School of International Relations took place by an admission of 32 students from Belgrade faculties of...

Key research findings of COMPASS project presented

The press conference in Media center showcased key findings from the research conducted as part of the COMPASS project, funded by the Science Fund...

Visit to the Archives of Yugoslavia

Employees of the Institute of International Politics and Economics led by the director Prof. Dr. Branislav Đorđević and deputy director Dr. Ivona Lađevac visited...

Study visit to the Great Britain

As part of the implementation of Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship Project (SAIGE Project) which is implemented by the Ministry of Science, Innovation...

IIPE researcher awarded

On the occasion of the Day of the Institute of  Political Studies, IIPE research assistant, MA Mile Obrenović was awarded by Saint Sava Charter. Obrenović’s...

Arrival of the Spring Festival

The Institute of International Politics and Economics, in collaboration with the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Serbia and the Confucius Institute...

Kick-off project meeting – project “PERSPECTIVES 2030”

Within the framework of the approved project “PERSPECTIVES 2030 - Political-Economic Relations and Evolution of Social Patterns between China and Central and Eastern European...

New Year’s Cocktail Party Held аt the Institute

The Institute of International Politics and Economics hosted a holiday cocktail reception for its employees to celebrate the upcoming New Year and Christmas. Prof....