International cooperation

IIPE researcher takes part in Warsaw Security Forum

Marina Kostić, Research Associate at Institute of International Politics and Economics, participated in the fifth Warsaw Security Forum, held on 24–25 October 2018 in...

IIPE researcher participates in a seminar at the Tsinghua University in China

Professor Katarina Zakić participated on the behalf of Institute of International Politics and Economics in the seminar organised by Tsinghua University, with presentation on...

IIPE researcher in Frankfurt

On the first day of the Frankfurt Book Fair, China Watch and Guangdong People's Publishing House prelaunch the publication "The Sleeping Giant Awakens" to...

Delegation of Institute of Population and Labor Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences...

Delegation of Institute of Population and Labor Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IPLE of CASS), led by Prof. Wenshu Gao, visited Institute...

Delegation of Institute of Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences visits IIPE

Delegation of Institute of Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), led by former Director General Prof. Pei Changhong, visited Institute of International...

Delegation of National Institute of International Strategy of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences visits...

Delegation of National Institute of International Strategy (NIIS) of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), led by Director General Prof. Xiangyang LI, visited Institute...