
IIPE’s research fellow at the European Union Non-proliferation and Disarmament Consortium Annual Conference

Dr. Marina Kostić Šulejić, a Research Fellow of the Institute of International Politics and Economics, participated at the European Union Consortium for Non-Proliferation and...

Institute of International Politics and Economics organised Serbia-Japan academic meeting

Аfter many years of cooperation, Institute of International Politics and Economics with the support of Research Center for Regional Conflicts, of Doshisha University (Kyoto)...

IIPE researcher participated in the round table conference on circular economy

Dr. Katarina Zakić, Head of the Centre for "Belt and Road" Studies, participated in the First-round table conference entitled "Global Challenges and Green Transition...


Dr. Marina Kostić Šulejić, IIPE Research Fellow, participated at the Arms Control Symposium, which is held every year at RACVIAC - Center for Security...

The 3rd Dialogues on China successfully held

Under the “Dialogues on China” format, the two-day international scientific conference titled “New Chinese Initiatives for a changing Global Security” was successfully conducted at...

Archibald Reiss Days

Dr. Jovana Tijanić participated at the international scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days” in the organization of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies...

IIPE researcher at the international conference in Moscow

Др Слободан Јанковић, начелник Центра за суседство и Средоземље, ИМПП учествовао је на међународној конференцији  «Россия и Большое Средиземноморье-2023. Человек в меняющейся энергетической повестке»...

Congress of Political Scientists

Colleagues of the Institute for International Politics and Economy have participated in this year's Congress of Political Scientists organized by the Association for Political...

Piracy in contemporary international law

Dr. Jovana Tijanić, Research Associate at the Centre for International Law and Economics, participated in the international scientific conference of Faculty of Law of...

IIPE Researcher participated in the Institute of European Studies’ roundtable

IIPE researcher Dr. Miloš Petrović took part in the roundtable “Enlargement of the European Union – New Eastern and Old Balkan Area”, organized by...