Dr Dragan Trailović

Research Fellow

Dr. Dragan Trailović has been working at the Institute of International Politics and Economy since May 2024 within the Regional Centre “Belt and Road”. He graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences (University of Belgrade) in 2008, majoring in International Relations, and completed his specialist academic studies (Regional Asia Studies) at the same faculty in 2011 with the defense of his thesis “Ethnic separatism in China: challenges of Uyghur nationalism and separatism to the People’s Republic of China”. He completed his doctoral studies in political science at the Faculty of Political Sciences (University of Belgrade) in 2019, defending his doctoral dissertation titled “Influences of international factors on ethnic conflicts in the People’s Republic of China.”

From 2011 to May 2024, he was employed as a researcher at the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade. Since 2013, he has been the secretary of the journal “Serbian Political Thought” (SPT), and since 2020, Editorial Board member of the SPT, serving as the deputy editor-in-chief from 2023 to 2024. He also served as a member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Archive for Legal and Social Sciences” and as the deputy editor-in-chief from 2023 to 2024. He is Associate Editor from abroad of the scientific journal “Studia Securitatis Journal – Security Studies Review,” published by the Research Center in Political Science, International Relations and European Studies and the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Security Studies – Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, “Lucian Blaga” of the University of Sibiu, Romania.

Since the 2015, he has been a member of the international advisory board of the Central and Eastern European Center for Asian Studies in Hungary. During 2013, he worked as a researcher from abroad at the Center for Political Science, International Relations, and European Studies, a research unit of the Department of International Relations, Political Science, and European Studies “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania. From June 21 to July 4, 2013, as a representative from Serbia within the framework of cooperation between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (“16+1”), he stayed in the People’s Republic of China at the China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing.

His research areas include comparative politics, international relations, political, economic, and social processes in Central Asia, ethnic relations in China (Xinjiang, Tibet), and the geopolitics of Eurasia. He has published several papers on the political system and geopolitics of the countries of Central Asia and China, as well as papers on other related topics in domestic scientific journals, and international publications. Throughout his research work, he has participated in numerous national and international scientific conferences and seminars in the country and abroad.

