Institute of International Politics and Economics marked 72 years of its existence with a solemn reception attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia and representatives of the diplomatic corps as well as members of academic and scientific community. In the introductory part, the guests were addressed by Prof. Zlatko Stefanović, Chairman of IIPE’s Managing Board, Prof. Branislav Đorđević, IIPE Director, and Prof. Blagoje Babić, Principal Research Fellow (ret.). Art Ensemble of the Serbian Ministry of Defence “Stanislav Binički” performed a short musical programme. Numerous institutions and individuals sent congratulations to the Institute on the occasion of a big holiday. Two greeting cards were read at the ceremony – one sent by Minister Mr. Mladen Šarčević on the behalf of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and the other sent by Dr. Wu Baiyi, on the behalf of Institute of European Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing. During the ceremony, IIPE Director awarded Prof. Zoran Jeftić, former Chairman of IIPE’s Managing Board, the IIPE Plaque for significant contribution to the Institute`s performance. The IIPE Certificate of Appreciation for scientific cooperation in 2019 was issued to Faculty of Security Studies at the University of Belgrade, and it was given to Prof. Vladimir Cvetković, the Dean. The reception guests were also able to see IIPE’s books and edited volumes published in 2019.
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