Supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, the Institute of International Politics and Economics and the Faculty of Security Studies of the University of Belgrade, hosted the two-day international scientific conference “Squaring the Circle: Navigating Changes in Contemporary International Relations”.

During the opening ceremony of the conference held in the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade, Professor Vladan Đokić, Rector of the University of Belgrade, Mr. Marko Đurić, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Professor Vladimir Cvetković, Dean of the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade, and Professor Branislav Đorđević, Director of the Institute of International Politics and Economics addressed to participants.

The Rector of the University, Prof. Đokić, emphasized the organization of scientific conferences and gatherings as an important aspect of the University’s contemporary work, while the Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized that there is currently no better place in Europe than Belgrade for a debate on changes in contemporary international relations. Speaking about the priorities of Serbian foreign policy, Mr. Đurić pointed out the importance of maintaining stability in the region and deepening regional cooperation, the vision of a common European future and the necessity of improving bilateral relations, stressing his belief that the conclusions and insights of this conference will be useful for all actors and institutions. in the Republic of Serbia.

Speaking about the new restructuring and creation of a new form of modern global order, Dean of the Faculty of Security, Professor Cvetković, pointed out that on the world stage a new “dealing of cards” is underway.

At the end of the ceremonial opening of the conference, Professor Branislav Đorđević, Director of the Institute of International Politics and Economics, as host of the meeting, indicated that the conference “Squaring the Circle: Managing Changes in Contemporary International Relations” is part of the traditional cooperation between IIPE and the Faculty of Security Studies in organizing prestigious scientific meetings.

The working part of the meeting took place in three thematic panels “Global changes and the role of great powers”, “European security architecture and regional relations” and “Regional security of the Balkans in changing international circumstances” where experts from sixteen countries delivered their speeches.

A kind of platform for the introduction to the conference is represented by a thematic collection “GLOBAL SECURITY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AFTER THE ESCALATION OF THE UKRAINIAN CRISIS” published a few days before the conference, published by the Institute of International Politics and Economics, Faculty of Security Studies, La Sapienza University of Rome and Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee.