Dr. Žaklina Novičić, Research Fellow of the Institute, participated in Athens at international scientific conference “Europe in Discourse: Tracing Identity through Values, History and Borders”.
In her addressing Primacy of EU Law and National Constitutional Identities — A Story about Values? Dr. Novičić dealt with the question of the relationship between the supranational and the national in the EU, i.e. the identity of European integration through the analysis of the conflict between the principle of supremacy of EU law, on the one hand, and the increasingly developed concept of national constitutional identities, on the other. Žaklina concluded that in this topic, through court disputes about the character of the European legal system and normative considerations about who has the last word in constitutional disputes (EU institutions or member states), essentially ideological, value and identity issues are just beginning to emerge, which will probably to be resolved at the level of political orientations, national representative offices, referendums or changes to the Founding Treaties of the EU, and not through the management and activism of judges.
The two-day conference “Europe in Discourse”, organized by the Hellenic American University, was held in a hybrid format and gathered around 70 participants from almost 30 countries.