Institute of International Politics and Economics, together with the Faculty of Security Studies of the University of Belgrade, organized a one-day national academic conference “Geopolitical Interests of Great Powers and Strategic Security of Small States”. The introductory notes were given by Prof. Branislav Đorđević, director of the IIPE, as well as by Prof. Zoran Jeftić, Head of the Department of Strategic and Defense Studies at the Faculty of Security Studies.
The working part of the conference was divided into three thematic panels. The first one – Strategic Thought – saw lectures by MSc Mihajlo Kopanja, Assist. Prof. Vladimir Ajzenhamer, Prof. Zoran Jeftić, as well as Prof. Stanislav Stojanović. Participants spoke about the distinction between strategy and strategic, academic thematization of strategic thought, as well as civil-military relations. In the second panel – Geographical dimension of the strategy, Dr. Nebojsa Vuković, MSc Dušan Kesić, MSc Dejan Petrović, and Prof. Nenad Putnik presented their papers. The presentations covered the geographical factors of contemporary security problems in the Caucasus, the importance of air power, as well as the increasingly present competition in cyberspace between the People’s Republic of China and the United States. The last panel – Geopolitical interests of the great powers and strategic security of small states – discussed the changes that are taking place in the international political field. This panel was attended by Prof. Miroslav Mladenović, Prof. Žarko Obradović, MSc Pavle Nedić, and MSc Marko Mandić.
After the presentation of the participants, a substantive discussion followed. Due to the pandemic caused by the COVID-19, the conference was held electronically via Zoom.